Temporary closures planned for marine lake

Sammy Jenkins

BBC News, Somerset

North Somerset Council Marine lake in Weston-super-Mare during sunset. There is a concrete walkway to the right, with a large stone wall, which features a lampost on it. A mountain/hilly figure can be seen in the distance.North Somerset Council

A number of closures have been planned over the coming months

A marine lake popular with swimmers will be closed so essential maintenance work can take place.

The lake, in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, will be closed from 08:00 GMT until 09:00 on Thursday, with more closures planned over the spring and summer.

North Somerset Council staff will empty the lake, remove debris and check its two sluice gates are functioning correctly.

Councillor Mike Solomon said the council was “determined” to make sure its investment in the lake “pays off” with a programme of regular maintenance.

The proposed closures have all been scheduled outside the school holidays and will include:

  • From 08:00 GMT on Monday 3 March until 09:00 on Wednesday 5 March
  • From 08:00 on Wednesday 26 March until 09:00 on Friday 28 March
  • From 08:00 on Monday 28 April until 09:00 on Thursday 1 May
  • From 08:00 on Tuesday 24 June until 09:00 Thursday 26 June
  • From 08:00 on Monday 14 July until 09:00 on Wednesday 16 July

During the work, silt will also be flushed out of the lake by water, which will enter the lake during a small number of overtopping tides.

Improvements planned

Mr Solomon, the executive member responsible for seafronts, also said the council have plans to enhance the area, including improving walkways, steps, ramps and upgrading and re-opening the public toilets.

“This work is due to be completed by the end of March 2026,” he said.

Neil Champs, one of the directors of the Mudlarks, a group of volunteers who assist with the management of the lake, said: “We’re extremely pleased that the council remains committed to not only maintaining but regenerating the marine lake as a key attraction in the town.”